Department of Management, FGU

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We are committed to the philosophy that students and faculty need access to the most current techniques and instruments. With strong support from the College of Social Science and Management, we have constantly upgrading research and teaching facilities in the past decade. Beyond the college, our university provides outstanding learning and teaching environment for students, faculty and staff, such as nearly campus-wide wireless access, state-of-the-art classrooms, outstanding technology labs, and research facilities.
    The effective use of computers is important in developing the analytical and problem-solving skills fundamental to our undergraduate and postgraduate programs. To be successful in the program, it is a must for anyone using e-learning facilities established by the University Computer and Library Center as part of their studies. The College of Social Science and Management also provides a modem, secured computer lab for our students to use to fulfill their needs. At our department, each student receives an e-mail account and personal web space to communicate and collaborate with other students, professors and with professionals outside the University to build an e-learning environment.
    The Development of Management equips Business Simulation Lab with PCs, printers, projectors, electronic whiteboards, and managerial and statistical software (e.g., BOSS, BSMS, and SPSS). As for seminar rooms, the development provides students with sufficient equipment for learning, such as PCs and managerial and statistical software.



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